He was a member of President Barack Obama's economictransition advisory board.
Moreover, it is likely to be a political as well as an economictransition.
People are losing their jobs because their country is undergoing a profound economictransition.
But the economictransition, in itself, will be hard enough.
Political reforms are needed to facilitate the economictransition, according to Zhiwu Chen, a Yale professor.
Based on these rules, Xi could better guide the country's economictransition towards an innovation and services sectors economy.
China's attempted economictransition has deep implications, not just for the emerging nation, but for the rest of the world.
At this time of economictransition, the opportunity for root and branch reform of our administrative and legal structures must be taken.
I knew of the economictransition that they had made while all the time keeping their families together and making them stronger.
It matters a lot that China's leaders might be mere mortals, because the economictransition they are trying to engineer is super-human.
As for China, growth has also slowed at a time when the country's huge economictransition requires a very high level of expansion.
As the man in office, he has had to bear the brunt of voter hostility to the harsh living conditions of economictransition.
Sometimes masterplanned cities are a way for countries in the global south to kickstart an economictransition out of agriculture or from resource-based economies.
Lopez Obrador's economictransition team said in late October that the budget would aim for a primary surplus of 0.8 percent of GDP.