These cells were also capable of invading reconstituted basement membrane and embryonicchick hearts in vitro.
In cultured embryonicchick bone, both cadmium and copper induced an atrophic change of the osseous tissue.
We have investigated the in vitro effects of this hormone on the activity of disaggregated, neonatal rat and embryonicchick osteoclasts.
Isolated embryonicchick and rat motoneurons have been used to identify neurotrophic factors and cytokines capable of supporting the survival of developing motoneurons.
We report the purification from pig brain of a factor supporting the survival of, and fibre outgrowth from, cultured embryonicchick sensory neurons.
The effects of chronic nerve growth factor administration on the development of neuropeptides in the embryonicchick peripheral nervous system were quantitated by radioimmunoassays.
To test the hypothesis that GH directly stimulates cartilage growth, we added homologous and heterologous GHs to organ cultures of embryonicchick pelvic cartilage.
Neurons were dissociated from the sympathetic ganglia of embryonicchicks, and cultured in the absence of non-neuronal cells.
Embryonicchick pelvic cartilages increase in size and weight when incubated in a chemically defined medium in the absence of serum.
In this paper the ultrastructural features of the epithelial-mesenchymal interface in mandibular processes of embryonicchicks have been examined using scanning electron microscopy.