But the grim, endlesscity, hiding its million secrets, seemed to mock the thought.
Now it is just a local road, an endlesscity street, an epic stretch of shopping malls.
An endlesscity, from horizon to horizon.
The simmering conductor and the stolid but reckless driver were her chauffeurs, piloting her through this endlesscity.
The inside of the building, his immediate surroundings, looked almost homey after seeing that monstrous, endlesscity outside.
To the East, where Nofuhl was pointing, his fingers trembling with excitement, lay the ruins of an endlesscity.
And MacDoon I must admit you're extraordinarily handsome with fine hands and here you are tinkering in this endlesscity.
The vast plain, walled with mountains, was an endlesscity of domed green temples, richly decorated with the gold of the late orange crop.
The thought of being stuck in that teeming, confusing turmoil of endlesscity blocks, slimy humidity, and fast-talking New Yorkers didn't sit well with me.
China's stride towards the promotion of megaregions comes many years after the UN condemned the environmental and social impacts of such " endlesscities".