They derided English Government and Englishstatesmanship, ignoring party loyalties with a fine impartiality.
Seldom in the history of England has Englishstatesmanship had such a tale to tell.
Any possible course, moreover, open to Englishstatesmanship involves gigantic inconvenience, not to say tremendous perils.
Under the new conditions, the antagonism between the two schools of Englishstatesmanship takes a slightly altered form.
There is the wisdom in Englishstatesmanship to be glad to see us with material interest in the Pacific Ocean.
I always believed you would achieve the highest position in Englishstatesmanship, and I don't despair of your doing so still.'
He was, as we have already said, the founder of that system of foreign policy which Englishstatesmanship has professed ever since his time.
Should Englishstatesmanship direct that this injudicious arrangement be adhered to, France and Great Britain will stand as self-confessed violators of the Convention of Madrid.