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Hence with the Illumination he rejects the imperative form, and with Kant the eudemonistic end.
Our account of morality may be called the eudemonistic account, from the Greek eudemonia, happiness, or the teleological account, from telos, an end.
This assertion, easily refuted, has seemed to some opponents of the eudemonistic account of morality so bound up with it as to involve its downfall.
Kant is an uncompromising opponent of eudaemonism.
With this old pagan eudaemonism the sage of the Rubaiyat has quite as little to do as he has with any Christian variety.
"Well, but in Cocaigne," said Jurgen, "this eudæmonism was considered an indoor diversion."
But she too looked annoyed, and Jurgen reflected that it was probably not the custom of oreads to be rescued from the eudæmonism of satyrs.
In France the atmosphere is emphatically eudaemonic; happiness is the goal.
The course of development is determined by intellectual ideas, and he treats these as independent of, and indifferent to, eudaemonic motives.
It is of extreme importance, from a eudaemonistic standpoint, to cherish that ideal.
The opponent of the eudaemonistic account of morality nearly always identifies it with a selfish pursuit, by each individual, of his own personal happiness.
Aristotle talked about "eudaimonia" -happiness as human flourishing and purpose to life -rather than the modern hedonistic concept.
Usage of eudemonia in English
Our account of morality may be called the eudemonistic account, from the Greek eudemonia, happiness, or the teleological account, from telos, an end.