Archaeologists have found ornaments, jewellery, figurative depictions of mythical animals and evenmusical instruments.
When this recital of events was ended, his voice once more changed, and became plaintive, and evenmusical, in its low guttural sounds.
Again she seemed to feel the strong clasp of his hand, and to hear the agreeable and evenmusical intonation of his strong voice.
The flock knew, or shrewdly suspected, that his eloquence was mere sound-notalways evenmusical-andas a consequence its power was somewhat thrown away.
Sweetest songs of earth resound in the heavenly courts; yea, evenmusical instruments are there, and life would appear to be one prolonged religious service.
She had rather open blue eyes, and she spoke in an evenmusical voice with the gentlest of stresses and the ghost of a lisp.
He in turn provoked his critics, and was often vocal on Twitter and other online platforms about his business strategies, politics and evenmusical tastes.
He said, in a most pleasant-evenmusical voice, but with quiet and cultured decision:
Movies that worked well amid the recession were lighthearted comedies, adventures and evenmusicals.
"Travellers in need of assistance, and who- "begana polite and evenmusical voice, which was interrupted by a hoarse voice: