1 We stayed at the Ahwahnee hotel, which was incredibly expensive, even off - season .
2 You don't have worse weather than this even off Connemara, do you?
3 Before she's even off the train you're lost in the crowd.
4 The pedigree was intimidating, even off - putting to people who were impressed by such things.
5 Marcus was rarely without that damn earpiece, even off duty.
6 How can the Government step back if so many projects are not even off the ground?
7 The newspapers were not even off the blinds.
8 The stage manager, Miller, greets her with a gruff "Valuables?" before her coat's even off .
9 He might be in Mystarria, she reasoned, or even off in his mother's old haunts in Heredon.
10 No one at Apple will say a word about it, even off the record, he wrote on Twitter.
11 Getting bigger and bigger each year, this year's festival will be hitting the headlines for even off - track activities.
12 He told the BBC how even off - the - cuff statements by presidents came to have a lasting influence on America.
13 He said he drove around fallen trees and even off the road in his quest to reach safety.
16 But even off duty, a cop's required to carry his gun, and Tal had a revolver in an ankle holster.
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