Zoe was amazed, looked instantly at Severne, saw it was true, and turned pale at his evidentdiscomfiture.
Julian could not help smiling at the child's evidentdiscomfiture as he pursued his way towards Grosvenor Place.
Politically, the speech competed with the Tories' commitment to family and enterprise, to the evidentdiscomfiture of Mr William Hague and his colleagues.
Thus commanded, there was nothing for the reluctant Mr. Swinton but to obey, and I could not help smiling at his evidentdiscomfiture.
The boys tossed in conspicuously some coppers of their own, perhaps with the idea of covering, by their munificence, the evidentdiscomfiture of their mother.
"All right," Hazleton said, grinning at Karst's evidentdiscomfiture.
"You had him there, Tommy," cried one of the auditory, considerably delighted at Foster's evidentdiscomfiture.