The Taliban are fighting to expelforeign forces and bring down Afghanistan's Western-backed government.
Ousted in 2001, the Taliban are fighting to expelforeign forces and bring down Afghanistan's Western-backed government.
The Taliban have vowed to step up their war to expelforeign troops and bring down Karzai's government.
The Afghan Taliban are fighting to expelforeign forces from Afghanistan and do not fight Pakistani security forces.
The militants, fighting to expelforeign forces and bring down the Western-backed government, have also attacked infrastructure projects.
The Taliban are fighting to expelforeign forces and to oust the Western-backed government of President Ashraf Ghani.
Ousted from power in 2001, the Taliban are fighting to expelforeign forces and bring down Afghanistan's Western-backed government.
The Taliban, fighting to expelforeign forces and re-establish their Islamic state since their ouster in 2001, welcomed Trump's comments.
The Taliban and their allies have vowed to step up their violent campaign to expelforeign forces and bring down Karzai's government.
The Taliban, fighting to expelforeign forces and impose their vision of Islamist rule, have condemned the Loya Jirga as a farce.
The government has been struggling to impose its writ in the regions and to expelforeign militants and subdue their Pakistani allies.
The intestines of humans and other animals, including sharks, reef fish, crocodiles and snakes, are already known to enshroud and expelforeign debris.
The Taliban are fighting to overthrow the foreign-backed government of President Ashraf Ghani, expelforeign forces and impose their strict interpretation of Islamic law.
Security officials in Afghanistan say resurgent Taliban militants, who have vowed to step up their campaign to expelforeign forces, profit from the trade.
The Taliban has vowed to intensify attacks using suicide bombings in their campaign to expelforeign troops and overthrow the government of President Hamid Karzai.
Taliban militants carried out more than 140 suicide attacks in 2007 in their campaign to overthrow the pro-Western Afghan government and expelforeign forces.