Oliver's extantletters are concerned with domestic matters-marriageof Richard.
Why does so large a proportion of Smith's extantletters consist of letters of introduction?
The thirteen extantletters of Plato.
One of the earliest extantletters of Michelangelo, written from Rome in 1497 to his brother Buonarroto, reveals a vivid interest in Savonarola.
And, fortunately for us, the most rapid evolution in his thought took place daring the ten years to which his extantletters belong.
This we know from the first of his extantletters, which is dated July 2, and addressed to Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici.
Not only are his own extantletters during this period unusually few, but allusions to him in contemporary English correspondences are almost entirely absent.
Hardly anything is said in the extantletters of his marriage to Fanny Palmer, daughter of the Attorney-General of Bermuda, which took place in 1807.
I say "may have heard," because not a word is to be found in his extantletters about the concerts of these societies.