This inhibition did not occur in the absence of extracellularCa(2+).
The antagonism of the extract was considered to be non-specific, but this action might be related to an influx of extracellularCa(2+).
Inhibition of Ca channel permeability with cadmium or cobalt ions partially restored colforsin-stimulated cAMP production, despite the presence of extracellularCa and Bay K 8644.
The stimulus-secretion signal transduction is at least partly dependent on Ca(2+) influx since exclusion of extracellularCa(2+) diminishes the ATP release.
The calcium channel agonist Bay K 8644 (50 microM) combined with normal extracellularCa concentration significantly attenuated colforsin-induced increases in cAMP production.
ExtracellularCa concentration over the range from 0 to 8 mM did not inhibit basal cAMP production or that stimulated by either colforsin or epinephrine.
Conclusions: Our data demonstrates that endothelin-1-mediated influx of extracellularCa(2+) activates transient receptor potential canonical channels 1 and 6 in cerebral vascular smooth muscle cells.