An extravagantlybeautiful woman, Irma Grese, yes, in the tragic Slavic-Chloë mode.
It is not given to many to paint their destiny with a series of extravagantlybeautiful brushstrokes.
The world, indeed, even so much of it as could be seen from her window, was extravagantlybeautiful.
To its climate California is indebted for being the most extravagantlybeautiful spot I've seen on this continent.
This time of year the Green Mountains of Cyrenaica are extravagantlybeautiful with lush grass plains and dramatic skies.
Renovales sat in front of his wife's portrait, gazing at that extravagantlybeautiful head which seemed to him the most faithful of his portraits.
In Cathal, as well, the granaries were full, and the gardens of Larai Rigal grew more extravagantlybeautiful-drenchedin perfume, riotous with color-eachpassing day.
Villa Lewaro is an extravagantlybeautiful 20,000 square foot, 34-room mansion with herringbone and marble floors located in Irvington, New York, overlooking the Hudson River.