Examples for "facade "
Examples for "facade "
1 Stand in the left-hand corner of the Place to examine the facade .
2 Despite his facade of certainty, Lionel must be feeling the same way.
3 Across from it, the splendid facade of the New York Stock Exchange.
4 No, Highsmythe was a bundle of violence hiding behind a sculpted facade .
5 On the left is a terrace and the facade of the house.
1 Taking in the windowless façade , Emma seriously doubted that claim was true.
2 A part of the industry is creating this façade of an image.
3 The only really original part of the house is the front façade .
4 With the exception of the façade , it is in a pseudo-Gothic style.
5 Tornov thought for a moment while Bazarian raged behind a placid façade .
6 There's no façade to speak of, and no visible means of entry.
7 Unfortunately, beautiful as she is, she is somewhat of a façade herself.
8 They're exhausted from trying to maintain the façade of a happy union.
9 The façade is stylish, in architectural fashion of half a century since.
10 The whole façade of humanitarianism from the Constitution onward to the present.
11 Jim hesitated for a moment, forcing himself to maintain a cheerful façade .
12 Beneath this façade of financial correction, a blame game is proceeding apace.
13 The façade is built of solid stonework throughout its length and height.
14 On the façade of Orvieto this motive is less altered than refined.
15 Each façade has a lofty Saracenic arch, in which is an entrance.
16 And all the façade was black, black with ages of carbonic deposit.
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