They did not think of having all three: for in their situation they had no desire for a fashionabledinner.
The fashionabledinner hour at that period was much earlier than at present, and but little time elapsed ere the important meal was announced.
Whether Jem Mace would beat Tom Sayers had as much interest at fashionabledinner-tables as whether Lord Derby would dispose of Aberdeen or Palmerston.
They had had to leave in the very middle of one of Mr. Bannerjee's fashionabledinners.
(4) The poor man who attends a fashionabledinner.
Dinner was solemnly announced, and the couples swept out in that stately manner appropriate to solemn occasions, such as marriages, funerals, and fashionabledinners.
"This is one of those fashionabledinners where they have extra hardware beside the plates," he suggested.