Montaigne, indeed, observed long ago that cruelty is usually accompanied by femininesoftness.
The lady on deck possessed somewhat of a stern beauty; hers was of the most perfect femininesoftness.
But there is plenty of femininesoftness in that character, if she were treated with love and kindness.
Although handsome, her face had lost any femininesoftness it might have possessed when its wearer was warm.
Gloved hands, petticoats, femininesoftness, and the general homage paid to beauty, all stand in the way of success.
There was little of femininesoftness in those unguarded features, much of intense and apparently far from agreeable thought.
For the first time in his experience of her, Blake traced a note of femininesoftness in Mrs. Markham's tones.
That she was not entirely destitute of femininesoftness and sentiments of bounty, her parting despatch to her brother proved.
To the others around her, she spoke gratefully, and with femininesoftness; but her whole heart seemed to be with George.
Yes, she was handsome, as may be a horse or a tiger; but there was about her nothing of femininesoftness.
His wife came to him that night in his dressing-room in a spirit of femininesoftness that was very unusual with her.
They highlighted the gendered dichotomy of Saunders clothes which combined a femininesoftness with masculine lines and fabrics like leather and denim.
She was a cold, ephemeral weight, an incredibly femininesoftness, and her silken hair glided over my cheeks and lips and neck.
He was ruddy-faced and white-haired, with an almost femininesoftness to his chin that sat oddly with his brusque tone and impatient expression.
But, after all, Violet lacked that sweet, clinging, femininesoftness which made Mary Flood Jones so pre-eminently the most charming of her sex.
Her manners were dignified and elegant, and in her air was a femininesoftness, a tender timidity which irresistibly attracted the heart of the beholder.