(Of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew.
Examples for "sinewy "
Examples for "sinewy "
1 A sinewy form in the shadows of the pines appeared and disappeared.
2 He had noticed more than once the sinewy fingers of the Chinaman.
3 I was tough and sinewy , and knew not the meaning of luxury.
4 Or at the monster: a tall, sinewy thing, but definitely not human.
5 His muscles, in spite of his fifty-four years, were strong and sinewy .
1 The stringy , yet short, dark-skinned Mawikizi returned the salute with a smile.
2 Teddy stirred his food, some kind of shepherd's pie, the meat stringy .
3 The proprietor was sixty years old, perhaps; gray, stooped, stringy of neck.
4 The patio was but a little square of dust and stringy grass.
5 The owner of the restaurant was a queer little, grey-faced, stringy fellow.
1 Janko reached over to take the hempen bridle and then he paused.
2 The circus newspaper mail was ready tagged in a hempen sack.
3 I have seen the hempen cord by which he shall hang.
4 Fifty or sixty yards of strong hempen line were attached to the plate.
5 A plunge was heard, and the hempen cable flew quickly out.
1 There was still some unchewable matter in her mouth, and the parched syllables came with difficulty.
1 The fibrous material found in rolled oats consists almost entirely of cellulose.
2 A case of primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the lung is reported.
3 Two cases of solitary fibrous tumor of the spinal cord are described.
4 Accurate determination of a threshold greyscale level representing fibrous tissue is critical.
5 This is a mass of fibrous tissue originating from a subcutaneous source.
6 The Chinese at a remote period made paper from some fibrous material.
7 Rita's shop had great kettles where she would brew thick fibrous stew.
8 The venomous juice being yellow, the whole fibrous mass takes that colour.
9 How to hack it Don't supplement your powders with unhealthy, fibrous food.
10 The very fibrous , skinny figure, the muscles and flesh seeming peeled off.
11 It was made of dry bamboo-leaves, and lined with soft, fibrous material.
12 On the other hand, aligned fibrous architecture stimulated formation of multinucleated myotubes.
13 It was long and loose and fibrous and made for an adult.
14 Combining the histopathological and immunohistochemical features, the diagnosis was solitary fibrous tumor.
15 As it cools, the substance stiffens into a colorless, odorless, fibrous matrix.
16 Here were the old Bolton: fibrous , unyielding and a menace from set-pieces.
Other examples for "fibrous"
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Fibrous across language varieties