The firstemergence of Usutu virus outside Africa was recorded in Austria.
Not many cultural entities go through a golden period a century after their firstemergence.
Hell, nothing in this war had made sense anyway, not from the moment the firstemergence hole opened up.
From her firstemergence in public, sun shining through her skirt, Diana was exploited, for money, for thrills, for laughs.
Carlyle's style is the firstemergence of all this wealth and labour with which the world has gone with child so long.
West Nile virus (WNV) is a widespread zoonotic arbovirus and a threat to public health in Germany since its firstemergence in 2018.
But when he turns to the North his tone becomes earnest, acquiring richness and authority: this may be the firstemergence of Fitzgerald's mature voice.
This marks Brandy's firstemergence into the top-10 chart showing in the Top 200 since her 2004 album "Afrodisiac."
Perhaps there had been different roles within each band of human beings ever since the firstemergence of modern people over 100,000 years ago.