Fifteen years ago, a research group called The FraunhoferInstitute announced a new digital format for compressing movie files.
The company co-developed patented MP3 technology with the FraunhoferInstitute and acts as the license administrator for the patents.
BACH is based in Norway, Germany and China and has Germany's FraunhoferInstitute for Digital Media Technology as a partner.
Germany's FraunhoferInstitute, a 60-year old research organization with energy expertise, had been commissioned by the EU to look at Brussels' biofuels policy.
FraunhoferInstitute spokeswoman Susanne Baumer said on Wednesday that the "eCoach" can be tailored to meet the goals of individuals or the needs of organizations.
But after a seven-year free ride, the FraunhoferInstitute - the German research lab that holds the MP3 patent - started imposing fees in '98.