Wherever decomposition of nitrogen products occurs some freenitrogen is eliminated.
The volume of freenitrogen obtained bears a direct ratio to the amount of urea decomposed.
As I was saying, nitrification has no connection whatever with the freenitrogen of the air.
This dissipation of freenitrogen into the air is going on in the world wherever putrefaction takes place.
And here we must remember that these tissues were never completely burned, so that freenitrogen was never eliminated.
The conclusion arrived at was that our agricultural plants do not themselves directly assimilate the freenitrogen of the air by their leaves.
Now, this part of the nitrogen has passed beyond the reach of plants, for plants can not extract freenitrogen from the air.
Substances such as carbon, sulphur, iron, and phosphorus burn in it almost as brilliantly as in oxygen, forming oxides and setting freenitrogen.
Clover, alfalfa, cowpeas, and soy beans are all profitable crops, and they all have power to use the freenitrogen of the air.
The bacteria that form the nodules on the roots of peas and beans have the power that man has not of utilizing freenitrogen.
The effect of this course will be equally as harmful, namely, the transformation of the nitrogenous material into freenitrogen which will ascend to heaven.
He tapped supplies of material which seemed for centuries unavailable, having learned, for instance, how to capture and utilise the freenitrogen of the air.
The proteids are broken to pieces, and their nitrogen elements reduced to the form of nitrates, leucin, etc, or even to ammonia or freenitrogen.
Free oxygen atoms and freenitrogen atoms would readily combine.
Freenitrogen, like oxygen, is a colorless, odorless gas.