Consider the bluegill sunfish, a freshwaterspecies from North America.
It details the threats freshwaterspecies, habitats and ecosystems are under and how they continue to decline.
An ornamental plant recently introduced into Samoa is threatening freshwaterspecies on the north coast of Upolu Island.
In the case of the freshwaterspecies the host-plants are mostly species of aquatic Graminaceae, Naiadaceae or Nymphaeaceae.
Guests can also avail of a tour of the centre to see the wonderful display of marine and freshwaterspecies.
While several studies investigated the element compositions of marine coralline algal thalli, no information is yet available for the freshwaterspecies.
Ireland is the last remaining stronghold in Europe of this freshwaterspecies, and it is now protected by European and Irish law.
If turtle soup is legally on the menu its source will be a freshwaterspecies such as the North American snapping turtle.
Mr Young said New Zealand's native freshwaterspecies were hugely important, especially the eel which was an iconic taonga species for New Zealand.
The snail shell that held the eyelash came from a freshwaterspecies, yet it was found with Helms's body on a saltwater beach.
The sour side that is that our rivers and our lakes are deteriorating really fast and essentially all of our freshwaterspecies are endangered.
Dr Joy said commercial exploitation of many threatened species and human and industrial waste discharged to waterways also contributed to freshwaterspecies numbers dwindling fast.
Some populations of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians have suffered even bigger losses, with freshwaterspecies declining by 76% over the same period.
Of all threatened freshwaterspecies, 83% are found within the megafauna range, revealing the megafauna's capacity as flagship and umbrella species for fostering freshwater conservation.
Freshwaterspecies are especially at risk.
"The snails were the same freshwaterspecies I found buried with Helms."