How did you escape after that frightfulfall from the ledge?
Why was David called 'a man after God's own heart,' notwithstanding his frightfulfall?
The Vorkuls, with their inhumanly powerful, sinuous bodies, were scarcely affected by the shock of that frightfulfall.
Maston's joy knew no bounds, and he nearly had a frightfulfall whilst looking down the tube of 900 feet.
The ecstasy of J. T. Maston knew no bounds, and he narrowly escaped a frightfulfall while staring down the tube.
She could have annihilated her at a stroke, and Uncle Prudent and his companions would have been dashed to atoms in a frightfulfall.
My will-power was not strong enough to disregard those crashes in the streets outside, when houses collapsed with frightfulfalling noises after bomb explosions.