Become bubbly or frothy or foaming.
A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid.
Examples for "sparkle "
Examples for "sparkle "
1 The sparkle in it was like the sparkle in the children's eyes.
2 Fanny Fern's books can hardly be read today, the sparkle has effevesced.
3 The wonder of her lay in the sparkle of her inner self.
4 It had lost its sparkle and no longer clamored for my attention.
5 He fancied he saw the sparkle of the starlight in her hair.
1 Whether all the fizz did Hagen any good is a moot point.
2 His googly in particular had an alluring amount of dip and fizz .
3 Shadow could hear them fizz as he walked from the darkening room.
4 There was rather a row and Uncle was in a fine fizz .
5 But in person, he's all fanboy enthusiasm, a long streak of fizz .
1 This will effervesce during the time the acid is dissolving the zinc.
2 When the letter is opened you'll see it effervesce like a seidlitz powder.
3 It scratches glass, and does not effervesce with acids.
4 Thousands of square kilometres of mud began to effervesce , thickening the air with hot cloying vapour.
5 The Williams, Coliers, Hollands and Bacons come together to effervesce in the magic of their unions.
1 Second, you can decrease the ambient pressure so that lower energy molecules can form bubbles .
2 Then, following a negative test, from days four to seven, they could form bubbles of 15 that can train inside the bubble.
3 Easton had to work out how to form bubbles for his RSE workers - and how to keep people safe and healthy in those bubbles.
4 One element that readily forms bubbles - as well as foam, a state where bubbles overlap and lose their spherical shape-iscalcium.
5 It's possible the gas at the lake's bottom just got so concentrated that even under pressure it came out of solution and formed bubbles .
Make froth or foam and become bubbly.
1 He is as big as a bear, and froths at the mouth.
2 As soon as it froths up stir in milk until thick.
3 Let it stand for 10 minutes, or until it froths .
4 Bile froths in his throat, and he chokes a metal-stinking mouthful onto the concrete.
5 Whisk it over the fire till it froths , but do not allow it even to simmer.
6 Now, if a man talks about himself as I do, why, his vanity froths away harmlessly.
7 John Breen must have soda pop in his blood - he fizzles and bubbles and froths .
8 Talia showed up bearing brownies and a crisp paper bag brimming with froths of lavender tissue paper.
9 His face is crimson and he froths a little at the mouth as he starts to shout.
10 Skepticism bubbles and froths , spills over.
11 Shake one for me till it froths all the way up the glass, please, and then give me a cigarette.
12 Trucks that burn fuel, spew carbon and clog the city's cobblestone streets (which surely froths all that beer).
13 Let the fellow bark till he froths at the mouth, and scatters the virus of the beast among his filthy friends.
14 The trouble below Cape Diamond froths up and goes down as quickly as the effervescence on a bottle of ginger beer.
15 Ask Butch Harmon about the prospects of an Irish player winning a major, and he positively froths at the mouth .
16 Dissolve the yeast with the sugar in the ¼ cup of warm water and leave for about 10 minutes, until it froths .
Other examples for "froths"
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About this term froths
froth Verb
Indicative · Present · Third