Soil or rock contains ice.
1 Now they heard him digging at the frozen soil and cursing it.
2 Ture tips the frozen soil and the sleeping ants onto the table.
3 The plant shoots up out of the ice and frozen soil .
4 Joel wonders as he hacks away at the frozen soil and tree roots.
5 No grave could be dug in that hard frozen soil .
6 Siberia's frozen soil -known as permafrost -contains millions of tons of methane gas.
7 Why does he want sleeping ants and frozen soil ?
8 The noisy process removes layers of frozen soil to expose animals preserved for thousands of years.
9 We lay huddled against the frozen soil , and listened, to the growing tumult of their approach.
10 Two of them smashed into the frozen soil outside the foundry yard, the third into the sea.
11 Russian biologists have come across a huge surprise when they dug up frozen soil from the Arctic.
12 Though called an ice wall, Tepco has attempted to create something more like a frozen soil barrier.
13 The half- frozen soil smelled rich and fertile.
14 A short time after that, cattle were collapsing and dying by the hundreds on the frozen soil .
15 When permafrost melts, it can liberate the powerful greenhouse gas methane that is locked in the frozen soil .
16 Scientists believe the frozen soil was deposited by massive glaciers or something similar less than a million years ago.
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