Valuable as this information is to us, it falls short of a fullexposition of these several subjects.
We expected to hear from him a fullexposition of the views of those in whose name he speaks.
The request for fullexposition of a prisoner's belief has often been but a trap to ensure his martyrdom.
Female curiosity prompted me to read them, and they gave me a fullexposition of our great-aunt's early history.'
The words you so eagerly expected, the fullexposition which was to have brought you such relief, is not here.
In these reports a fullexposition was given of the views and motives of the secretary, in the conduct of the treasury department.
Their fullexposition and that of their immense importance as principles and guides in the domain of analogy must be treated of elsewhere.
This despatch was brief, and contained nevertheless a very fullexposition of the righteous and sympathising policy of England towards the people of Italy.
If he cannot judge from the pleadings of these two able advocates with briefs for different sides, it is not for lack of fullexposition.
A fullexposition of Sexual Selection appeared in the "The Descent of Man" in 1871, and in the greatly augmented second edition, in 1874.