Nutritious, safe, affordable, and enjoyable food is a fundamentalprerequisite for health.
Vascularization is a fundamentalprerequisite for large bone construct development and remains one of the main challenges of bone tissue engineering.
Understanding the organization of the human brain is the fundamentalprerequisite for appreciating the neural dysfunctions underlying neurological or psychiatric disorders.
A fundamentalprerequisite to deciphering the genetic factors that influence the phenotype of a mutant mouse is an understanding of genetic nomenclature.
Acceptance of the oneness of mankind is the first fundamentalprerequisite for reorganization and administration of the world as one country, the home of humankind.
Intact synaptic function and plasticity are fundamentalprerequisites to a healthy brain.
On Tuesday, AT&T released research that underscores just how terrible we are at keeping our eyes on the road- afundamentalprerequisite for good driving.