The report of your own state upon birds, if there is one, will also furnishvaluable information.
State industrial commissions publish reports that furnishvaluable material on industrial accidents, working-men's insurance, sanitary conditions in factories, and the health of workers.
Two rivers in the southeastern peninsula, the Macoris and the Soco furnishvaluable outlets for the products of the sugar estates on their banks.
Standardization of work is an especially noteworthy feature of the Cleveland system, and should furnishvaluable suggestions to medical inspection departments of other cities.
The Committee consisted of men with business knowledge, and its reports have furnishedvaluable suggestions.
Recruiting-offices had been opened in New York, which, although not countenanced by the government, must have furnishedvaluable auxiliaries to the Liberals.
They were almost unanimously favorable to the idea, and furnishedvaluable notes, the substance of which was published in the "Portfolio."
The report of the Secretary of War furnishesvaluable and important information in reference to the operations of his Department during the past year.
Grateful acknowledgment should be made to the social case workers who have furnishedvaluable contributions to the body of data gathered for the present study.