Form of severe psychological abuse, in which information is distorted, twisted or selectively omitted by the perpetrator in order to favor himself and/or to cause the victim to doubt his memory, his perception and his mental health.
The municipality owns and operates the water-works and the gas-lighting plant.
Doubtless, similar controversies arose in other countries in which pioneers were also nursing gas-lighting to maturity.
The municipality owns and operates its gas-lighting plant.
In general, the gas-lighting engineers have kept pace marvelously with electric lighting, when their handicaps are considered.
During the latter part of the nineteenth century numerous developments were made which paralleled the progress in gas-lighting.
The gas-mantle has made it possible for gas-lighting to continue as a competitor of electric-lighting for the streets.
It has already been seen that gas-lighting was introduced in the streets of London for the first time in 1807.
Use of Old Linen Collars.-Cutthem up into narrow strips and use them for gas-lighting instead of using wax tapers.
It is asserted that the Chinese used this natural gas for illuminating purposes long before gas-lighting was known to the Europeans.
These were destined to become the formidable light-sources of the approaching century and without the gas-mantle gas-lighting would not have prospered.
The advent of the gas-mantle is responsible for the survival of gas-lighting, because when it appeared electric lamps had already been invented.
Although this first gas-lighting was done by the use of open flames, it was a great improvement over all the preceding efforts.
In the early days of gas-lighting investigations were made to determine the relation of illuminating value to the chemical constitution of the gas.
The conditions imposed upon this company as presented in an early treatise on gas-lighting (by Accum in 1818) were as follows:
In fact, several decades passed after the first gas-lighting was installed before this form of lighting began to displace the improved oil-lamps and candles.
I remember, for instance, our interviews with Messrs. Mitchell, Vance & Co., the leading manufacturers of house gas-lighting fixtures, such as brackets and chandeliers.