After resection of the gastroesophagealjunction, 16 pigs were divided into two groups.
Premalignant lesions of the gastroesophagealjunction are treated conservatively or by antireflux surgical procedures.
We describe a novel technique that replaces the distal esophagus after resection of the gastroesophagealjunction.
Widely accepted guidelines for HER2 testing in gastric and gastroesophagealjunction cancer have not been established.
Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophagealjunction (GEJ) has shown a remarkable increase during recent decades.
We describe a technique that allows safe, excellent exposure of the gastroesophagealjunction during laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
Surgical treatment of cancer of the esophagus and gastroesophagealjunction (GEJ) remains a complex and challenging task.
Pembrolizumab demonstrated antitumor activity in previously treated patients with advanced esophageal cancer and in patients with gastroesophagealjunction cancer.
A coincidence of primary achalasia and disorders of the gastroesophagealjunction was excluded by showing return of peristalsis following treatment.
Design: The entire gastroesophagealjunction and the proximal part of the stomach from 23 fetal and pediatric autopsies were mapped.
Methods: In 40 patients with an adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus or gastroesophagealjunction, blue dye was injected around the tumor intraoperatively.
Introduction: Even after potentially curative esophagectomy, the majority of patients with adenocarcinoma of the esophagus or gastroesophagealjunction die due to cancer recurrence.
Methods: Biopsies for Ussing chamber experiments were taken between 3 cm and 5 cm proximal to the gastroesophagealjunction.
Conclusion: We conclude that DCF combination plus G-CSF prophylaxis is a safe and active regimen for patients with metastatic gastric and gastroesophagealjunction adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To assess prognosis according to whether lymph node involvement is intracapsular or with extracapsular breakthrough in adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus and gastroesophagealjunction.
Horizontal gastric corpus tubes might offer an alternative to replace the distal esophagus and proximal stomach after resection of premalignant lesions of the gastroesophagealjunction.