One minister remains, who will have the generalsuperintendence of education.
All responsible officials were busy with duties, reports, and generalsuperintendence.
It ought to be done, and Mr. Phelps ought to have generalsuperintendence of it.
To Asser he gave the generalsuperintendence of education, not merely for laymen, but for priests.
Yourself, so far as a generalsuperintendence is necessary, must take that into your own hands.
But even on the doctrine here defended it can interfere with them only by way of generalsuperintendence.
Nigel has taken to generalsuperintendence of the flourishing community in the midst of which he has cast his lot.
That generalsuperintendence fell to Mrs. West, and she took no little pride in the flourishing state of the few acres.
We declined mediating between Spain and an alliance assuming to itself that character of generalsuperintendence of the concerns of nations.
They are to exercise a generalsuperintendence, and, like the Athenian counsellors, are to preside in monthly divisions over all assemblies.
His father-in-law, Jethro, showed him how to delegate the details of government to subordinates, and to reserve for himself the generalsuperintendence.
So many things distract-social ,domestic ,industrialmatters and generalsuperintendence, and my time is of course always given to anyone who wants it.
A girls boarding-school had been commenced at Beirût, under the generalsuperintendence of Dr. and Mrs. De Forest, and the instruction of Miss Whittlesey.
His province has been rather that of generalsuperintendence of the New England Company's servants, than one involving much active mingling with the Indians.
The Aediles were four officers who had the generalsuperintendence of the police of the city, and the care of the public games and buildings.
To Major Sleeman was given the generalsuperintendence of the giant task of ridding India of Thuggee, and he and his seventeen assistants accomplished it.