We have no meanings for "glaringly bright" in our records yet.
1 The day was truly Chilian: glaringly bright , and the atmosphere quite clear.
2 The lightning blue of its eyes became glaringly bright , painful to look upon.
3 Then the lights came on, glaringly bright after the darkness, and he saw the Varn.
4 To Hannah's sleep-deprived eyes, the kitchen appeared glaringly bright with its white walls and appliances.
5 The sun burst through the clouds, glaringly bright .
6 There were a few clouds in the sky, but the light of the day was glaringly bright .
7 It was glaringly bright , almost clinically bright.
8 He slides from bed without putting on clothes and trips his way through a glaringly bright living room.
9 Viewed up close, in the sunlight, the shuttle had seemed glaringly bright and too massive to fully comprehend.
10 Facing her was a squat fat fellow in glaringly bright blue and scarlet robes trimmed with rich brushed sable.
11 If he draws anything close to the praise Gaffney received from the Leinster and Munster backlines the future is glaringly bright .
12 Celaena walked and walked, until she found herself by the tree-lined shore of a lake, glaringly bright in the midday sun.
13 The sun was glaringly bright as it streamed through the window glass, so I left Shirley's sunglasses on as I looked over the menu.
14 The traffic is light and the city rises up out of the flat earth, a tangled cluster of lights glaringly bright in the fading sunset.
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