We have no meanings for "gnaw the flesh" in our records yet.
1 But the acme of distress was reached in the seventh year, when men sought to gnaw the flesh from their own bones.
2 I wanted to claw my skin off, to gnaw the flesh from my bones, anything to get the shadows out of me.
3 The corpses of the babies I had murdered would gnaw the flesh from my skin for all eternity in the fires of damnation.
4 Maybe they've forgotten about us, and they'll just leave us here hanging on the wall until the rats gnaw the flesh from our bones.
5 It gnawed the flesh of his hand, bit at his scalp.
6 Beatrice did not see the few bright red drops that fell upon the rock as he gnawed the flesh .
7 The leprosy gnaws the flesh off a man's bones, and joints and limbs drop off-he is a living death.
8 Tandakora, somber and gigantic, gnawed the flesh from the big bone of a deer and then, throwing the bone into the fire, approached St. Luc.
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