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Investigators have confined their efforts to statistical records of approximations to, or deviations from, the goldensection.
If it is not forced on us, we have, in either case, nothing to do with the goldensection.
Objective: To probe into the feasibility of goldensection method in the optimization of the extraction process of Scutellaria barbata.
We had talked about the GoldenSection earlier, when we'd come to that section in the book of images.
Frankly I've never been sure whether to file the marvels of the GoldenSection under Profound Truths of the Universe or Pot-Smokers' Koans.
Aqualung "Tape 2 Tape" ( GoldenSection) Those with long memories will recall Matt Hales and "Strange and Beautiful" from a lifetime ago.
When I offered a puzzled look, he explained that, among other things, the GoldenSection is a bridge joining the worlds of architecture and nature.
Fechner introduced the method of experiment into aesthetics in his researches on the preferability (according to Zeising) of the proportion known as the ' 'golden section.
Charlie now turned to the GoldenSection to obtain its length, multiplying eight feet by the factor 1.618, which comes to 12.9.
(Who knows, but the fact that the rectangle's proportions chimed with the GoldenSection might have had something to do with it too.)