The population thereof is light coloured, and the men are of goodphysique.
Splendid men with goodphysique, but slow and stilted in movement.
Poor Sims is dead, Lawton, a brave man, but not of goodphysique.
Miss Frost has a rather goodphysique.
The western highlanders, whether Mohammedans or not, are men of goodphysique, and would make good fighting material.
However, if the mental training is poor, giving wrong views of life, a goodphysique is of but little service.
A considerable proportion of these new drafts are composed of middle-aged men of goodphysique and likely young men from the countryside.
The men were all picked and of goodphysique, as it was known that the campaign would be a most arduous one.
His goodphysique he took for granted; smooth, muscular arms and legs, and strong shoulders, a farmer boy might be supposed to have.
The Pioneer Battalions have created a very favorable impression, the officers being keen and ingenious, and the men of goodphysique and good diggers.
King was a young man, of goodphysique, and of a nature in which the disposition to mental worry or anxiety had no part.
The results of intermarriage between Western people and Japanese who are of equal social and educational status and of goodphysique should be closely watched.
Almost all possess a conspicuously beautiful set of teeth, pleasant, smiling countenances and goodphysique; they also seem to have, somehow, acquired easy, agreeable manners.
In the courtyard three hundred girls were drilling, mostly between 18 and 25 years old, of goodphysique and many of them pretty.