Eurasian maple tree with pale grey bark that peels in flakes like that of a sycamore tree; leaves with five ovate lobes yellow in autumn.
1 It was a green, shady place, full of great maple - trees and flowering vines and shrubs, and patches of green grass.
2 I remember marking that great maple with the blaze on its trunk, when last I went with the governor to Montreal.
3 The late summer grew into autumn, and the minister's great maple flung a flaming bough of scarlet over Mrs. Baxter's swing-chair.
4 The great maple in front of the Pensioner's house was cool and shady,- adelightfulplace for the pigs through the hot summer days.
5 Not even in the great maple woods of Canada have I seen trees either as large or with so much striking, picturesque character.
6 The new minister's wife was sitting under the shade of her great maple early one morning, when she first saw the Little Prophet.
7 The great maple and oak trees along the road were green with new leaves, and every dooryard was bright with snowballs and yellow roses.
8 He had followed scarcely a dozen of the buck's jumps when he looked back and saw me watching him from beside a great maple .
9 The twins continued to play in the great maple , even when the leaves were fallen, "It's a dandy place, I tell you, Prudence," cried Carol.
10 Wareham was a pretty village with a broad main street shaded by great maples and elms.
11 She had sauntered to a green bench, under great maples , with Lettice Graham and Harry Troutt and Anna Poett.
12 They got home that night just as the sun was setting redly behind the great maples on the western hill.
13 She gazed in silence at the old house half hidden by great maples and beeches, their weighted branches sweeping the ground.
14 Once more he became aware of the incessant hum of the insect world, and the rustling of the great maples in the court-house grounds.
15 "SERIOUSLY, ANSEL," I say, slipping into the booth at Great Maple for Saturday breakfast with the crew.
16 "How," I asked, "does the sap get up to the top of these great maples and elms?
Grammar, pronunciation and more
This collocation consists of: Translations for great maple