Pakistan is deeply suspicious of growingIndian influence in Afghanistan and fears encirclement.
Loss-making airlines in the fast- growingIndian market are obvious targets.
Once the preserve of foreign students, Purple Valley now has a growingIndian following.
It also has a small but growingIndian business.
But Pakistan fears growingIndian influence there, suspecting an attempt by New Delhi to encircle it.
Education publishing is an attractive play on the large and growingIndian education sector, according to Everstone.
The EU has its own wish-list for better access to growingIndian sectors, such as in legal services or supermarkets.
The deal, the largest foreign acquisition of an Indian company, would give Rosneft a foothold in the growingIndian market.
The car maker is seeing rising competition from global automakers such as Nissan and Toyota in the fast- growingIndian market.
Five years ago the fast- growingIndian economy had added a record $92 billion to India's foreign reserves in a single year.
Analysts said Maxis may have a hard time marketing the IPO as the listing does not include its fast- growingIndian and Indonesian business.
The U.S. business, which has lagged its European counterpart's expansion in emerging markets, stands to gain access to fast- growingIndian and Chinese operations.
Besides using India as a base for services delivery to customers around the world, Capgemini is also targeting the growingIndian market for IT services.
Mr Sami says earlier reports that the ADB had proposed growingIndian hemp are incorrect because of Fiji laws which prohibit the cultivation of marijuana.
Its growingIndian operations contribute a quarter of total capacity and the rest comes from units and joint ventures in Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and Philippines.