To remove this should be the primary object in gymnastictraining.
I fear the prospective patrons were not persuaded, by my performance, of the expediency of gymnastictraining.
Women and girls were given gymnastictraining to make them strong and capable of bearing strong children.
Feeble and apathetic people, who have little courage to undertake gymnastictraining, accomplish wonders under the inspiration of music.
It was a vague, funereal, impalpable something which no amount of gymnastictraining would enable me to knock over.
Their gymnastictraining, in fact, makes demands alike on the legs and arms and neck, (13) etc., simultaneously.
Tell me, Megillus, were not the common meals and gymnastictraining instituted by your legislator with a view to war?
Before proceeding farther, I desire to answer a question which wise educators have asked:-"Dochildren require special gymnastictraining?"
Unlike the young Greek, he will not necessarily have been made to recognise that gymnastictraining is an essential part of education.
For three months he lived and went to school in the small town of Maribor and did his gymnastictraining in the afternoons.
His gymnastictraining, his professional habits of accuracy and his serious yet alert mind bore him swiftly through preliminary stages to high efficiency.
One of the benefits of her martial arts practice, along with gymnasticstraining and yoga, was enhanced body awareness.