The events of the period also loosened the bonds that had heldwestern civilization together.
Continued shelling of the rebel- heldwestern port of Misrata illustrated the problem facing rebel forces and NATO.
On Sunday, eight children died in government- heldwestern Aleppo after rebels hit a school, state media said.
Aleppo, for years split between a rebel- held east and government- heldwestern sector, has become the fiercest front.
Rioters burned down a government building in rebel- heldwestern Ivory Coast on Tuesday over the government's handling of the polls.
Most of these were Labor- heldwestern Sydney electorates, including the top No-voting seat of Blaxland, held by ALP frontbencher Jason Clare.
Col Ruslan Galitsky died of his wounds several days after the attack, on a residential area of government- heldwestern Aleppo, it said.
Meanwhile, Syrian state media reported rebel attacks on government- heldwestern Aleppo, in which it said four people were killed and 14 injured.
There is no mains water or electricity and, although they pay no rent, most cannot afford the private generators providing power to government- heldwestern Aleppo.
This was a clear reference to al Qaeda fighters who have heldWestern hostages in northern Mali.
The merchants and bankers, especially those who heldWestern lands, Western securities, or Western credits, went down one after another.
The running backs have to get better. The Panthers sacked White six times and heldWestern Kentucky to minus-2 yards rushing.
Phinisee followed with a jumper to extend Indiana's lead to 30-15 as the Hoosiers heldWestern Illinois scoreless for a 4:25 stretch.