The results suggest that hemisphericspecialization of function may be anomalous in this population.
The development of language hemisphericspecialization is not well understood in young children, especially regarding expressive language functions.
Significance statement: The role that corpus callosum development has on the hemisphericspecialization of language is poorly understood.
These include parameters of emotional processing, the componential approach, emotional domains, and hypotheses regarding hemisphericspecialization for emotion.
Despite being commonly referenced throughout neuroscientific research on songbirds, reports of hemisphericspecialization in the processing of song remain controversial.
In addition, we describe two historical accounts of the evolutionary origins of hemisphericspecialization and present data from nonhuman primates that address these specific theories.
In spite of the compelling evidence for right- hemisphericspecialization, some data point to the possibility of differential hemispheric involvement as a function of emotional valence.
Last, we discuss some of the challenges in the study of hemisphericspecialization in primates and offer some suggestions on how to advance the field.
However, hemisphericspecializations are neither inevitable consequences of early local cytoarchitectural differences nor immutably fixed in structure.