We have no meanings for "hinny" in our records yet.
1 Ay, that'll be how they've left it lying, hinny .
2 But oh, hinny , hae ye it weel aff?
3 The hinny of Jeanette echoed wildly from the cliffs, and was answered by the bark and howl of the prairie-wolf.
4 I've got it all here in the leather bag for you, hinny ; 'twill buy plenty of gay ribbons to tie your pretty hair.
5 Well, well, hinny , it shall be as you wish; just like your father,-allfor books and learning,-thoughyour mother leaned that way too.
6 "Hush, hinny , " she soothed, folding her distressed charge in a warm embrace.
7 Sure, the bit creature, and she's a good little girl, is Hinny , willing to do whatever I axes her.
8 "And who tould the like of ye, how to make a brum like that, hinny ? "
9 "Try hinny and aitcake," said their hostess.
10 "Ay, well, hinny , if you want fine clothes, I doubt you'll get nobody but the young squire."
11 "You wouldn't deprive a poor cratur of all the comfort she has in the world, would ye, hinny ? "
12 "O, then you are up, hinny ! "
14 "You must have on your shoes this morning, hinny , " said her aunt; "there was a heavy dew last night, and the path is wet."
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