The presence of homologousregions on other chromosomes seriously complicates the cloning of the FSHD gene.
Expression of genes related to cardiomyogenesis decreased in infarcted zones compared with homologousregions of healthy hearts.
Using computer sequence comparison, we located homologousregions within downstream sequences of other genes, suggesting a generalized sequence element.
Five homologousregions (hrs) consisting of a variable number of 28-bp imperfect palindromes were identified in the genome.
Therefore, although occurring in homologousregions, the detailed modes of toxin binding to alpha 7 and muscular receptors are likely to be different.
The GPRIME (Group PRIMEr design) programs examine aligned sets of gene sequences to discover homologousregions to be targeted in diagnostic tests.
Homologousregions from each hemisphere loaded on the same factors.