Averan settled in before the first hornyplate on the beast's neck.
At an early stage the simple cellular layer of this hornyplate divides into two.
The outer skin (epidermis) is unsegmented from the first, and proceeds from the continuous hornyplate.
The tongue was a slender fleshy cylinder of a deep red colour, terminated by a black hornyplate, furred across, and possessing prehensile power.
Both the pair of nasal pits and the single mouth-pit (Figure 2.310 m) are clothed with the hornyplate.
The nephroduct (ung) is seen on each side, directly under the hornyplate, in the shape of a long, thin, thread-like string of cells.
In the same way, all the parts and appendages of the epidermis develop by differentiation from the homogeneous cells of this hornyplate (Figure 2.285).
SCUTELLAE.-Thehornyplates with which the feet of birds are generally more or less covered, especially in front.
The scales, as far as he could determine, were not hornyplates but lapped, silvery ovals such as a fish possessed.
Some form tubes to live in; some (Coleps) develop hornyplates for armour; and others develop projectiles to pierce their prey (stinging threads).