Her shoulders were bare except for the straps of a figure- huggingblack dress.
She wore a tight blouse, and figure- huggingblack Levi's.
Clad in a figure- huggingblack mini-dress, pearl choker, scarlet nails and black stilettos, she radiated glamour.
Both are dressed in black tie, Lee choosing a smart suit while Georgia opted for a figure- huggingblack floor-length gown.
Jessica Simpson stepped out in a figure- huggingblack dress accentuating her curves a day after revealing her incredible post-baby weight loss.
With her long, dyed red locks, heavily tattooed body and figure- huggingblack outfit, Allaina cut a striking figure at Southport Magistrates Court in 2013.
Khan, who wore black sunglasses and a figure- huggingblack shirt, was escorted under heavy guard to jail where he will spent the night behind bars.
Again sporting a figure- huggingblack catsuit which required more bravery than fabric, Williams disposed of Dinara Safina 6-0, 6-1 in 40 minutes.