Amid those vast distances only two signs of humanhandiwork were visible.
These are animal bones, human bones, and humanhandiwork.
They found no other trace of humanhandiwork; and they turned back, and arrived at Liefs-booths in the autumn.
Plain words; but a princess had written them, and never did so golden a halo enclose any piece of humanhandiwork.
If the trees were there, growing, as he said, in solitary state and order, strangely suggestive of humanhandiwork, then Victor Durnovo was saved.
It wanted, however, a chalet or two, or some sign of humanhandiwork in the fore- ground; as it was, the scene was too savage.
Archaeology comprehends architecture, sculpture, painting, goldsmiths' work, ceramics, cabinetmaking (a purely modern art), lace, tapestry-inshort, humanhandiwork of every sort and description.
When night fell on Earth, the one-sided flashes of the Moon still shone the light of humanhandiwork to the surface 25,000 miles below.