This object had been cut and shaped by means similar to human hands and humanmentality.
Deep constraints on humanmentality (common difficulties with concepts of scaling and probability, for example)?
Or humanmentality: its inhabitants are conveniences.
Not the kind popularly associated with Satan, but the kind that evolves from a corrupt and twisted humanmentality.
Often purposeless day-dreamers or else bereft of normal humanmentality, these are the chronically unemployed of our social- industrial system.
But from sunrise to sunset, any torment or painful ingenuity which the half- humanmentality of Wolf can devise must be endured.
On the whole he inclined to the opinion that the rhythmical waxing and waning of humanmentality was due to causes nearer home.
For the life of such a spirit, if it exists at all, must be utterly different from humanmentality, and utterly inconceivable to man.
I suspect that many puzzling features of humanmentality would be better resolved if we conceptualized them as historical constraints derived from distant adaptational origins.