Our results identifyimmune memory in the brain as an important modifier of neuropathology.
We sought to better understand the immune landscape in prostate cancer and identifyimmune-related biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets.
Our aim is to identifyimmune functions modulated by cannabinoids that could account for their anti-inflammatory effects in these animal models.
This body of literature has expanded dramatically over the past few years as researchers continue to identifyimmune anomalies in individuals with autism.
This study furthers our understanding of host-microbiota interactions in undernutrition and identifiesimmune-recognized microbes for future study.
The elucidation of models with single-gene manipulations has also identifiedimmune mechanisms in the pathway to lupus.
Among the identifiedimmune system-related pathways, a candidate pathway known as chicken cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway (CDS pathway) was selected for further investigation.