With considerable certainty; without much doubt.
Examples for "probably "
Examples for "probably "
1 Given the latter case, the former problem is probably a good thing.
2 Of course; he'd probably never seen a city in this state before.
3 The trend, however, is probably dangerous from a publishing point of view.
4 The logical answer to the latter question seems pretty obvious: probably not.
5 A case will help, said Webb, but probably not solve everyone's problems.
1 Obama noted Iraq would have difficult days ahead with further violence likely .
2 Organised crime was likely behind the attacks, the state attorney general said.
3 This year the work will likely run out months earlier, Olson said.
4 Public health professor Michael Baker said similar situations were likely to arise.
5 An administration official said the new executive order would likely exclude Iraq.
1 When it is gone, belike they will send him to join us.
2 Nay-nay-itwas but a tale one told to me-for a jest belike .
3 A month, a year, belike some years, for God's patience is great.
4 Now, friend Poggin, you have more news of the enemy, belike , than we.
5 But to-day I will not go, nor to-morrow belike ; but some day soon.
1 On him in all probability , the burden of the decision would fall.
2 But in all probability , this will this be a long, long game.
3 Never again in all probability will the peasant be so well off.
4 Therefore, the driver, in all probability , was a stranger in these parts.
5 The twins in all probability had been unable to keep their secret.
1 That is why, in all likelihood , Woolies water should hold superpower-active properties.
2 The apparent inconsistencies of the Chinese can, in all likelihood , be reconciled.
3 During others, he was in all likelihood trying to find his family.
4 More resources will in all likelihood be deployed should the protest persist.
5 That's why, in all likelihood , you've never heard of them until now.
6 No, not in all likelihood ; and, anyhow, nothing would come of it.
7 Buccari in command meant in all likelihood that Jack Quinn was dead.
8 So far, in all likelihood , you being his confidential secretary, have beheld?
9 Just someone who, in all likelihood , wanted to kill her right now.
10 Was I not drunk last night ? - Aye ! - and so in all likelihood wert thou!
11 There they will find the quartermaster in charge, in all likelihood .
12 This was in all likelihood his last competitive appearance for the foreseeable future.
13 About this time the Epistle to the Galatians was, in all likelihood , written.
14 It is due, in all likelihood , to the rapid radiation of surface heat.
15 If not, in all likelihood the fault lies chiefly with yourself.
16 Yet in all likelihood , the 79-year-old will prevail again on Friday.
Other examples for "in all likelihood"
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This collocation consists of: Translations for in all likelihood