Randomization lists will be generated by an independentstatistician.
The sequence was computer-generated by an independentstatistician, and the allocation sequence was concealed in sealed opaque envelops.
But Richard Peto, an independentstatistician hired by the WHO to scrutinize the results of its Solidarity trial, dismissed Gilead's criticism.
Richard Peto, an independentstatistician hired by the WHO to scrutinize its Solidarity results, said the trial's size and design were very robust.
The survey, carried out for the Irish Medical Times by an independentstatistician, found most GPs were charging patients less than €40.
Instead she proposed a system under which independentstatisticians drew up ratings based on a wider variety of sources from different global providers.
The European commission dismissed the objections, saying the contribution revisions were calculated by independentstatisticians using a standard formula agreed by all member states.