In this longitudinal study, we used integrated multi-omics analyses to inferfunctional mechanisms by which the microbiome modulates atopic eczema risk.
For example, we show how network analysis of task-based neuroimaging studies has been used to inferfunctional co-activation from primary data on regional activations.
These phylogenetic profiling approaches inferfunctional coupling of genes regardless of mechanistic details, and may be useful to guide exogenous gene import in synthetic biology.
Gene Ontology (GO) has been widely used to inferfunctional significance associated with sets of genes in order to automate discoveries within large-scale genetic studies.
The inferredfunctional profile provides a cost effective way to study complex ecosystems through predicted comparative functional metagenomes and metadata analysis.
Conclusions: We developed an automated computational method, which derives an inferredfunctional profile based on the 16S rRNA gene surveys of microbial communities.