Moreover, Olive had a very insinuatingway with her.
This she had done in the quiet, soothing, insinuatingway in which her sex usually exerts its influence on such occasions.
Poopendyke fidgeted a good deal with the scanty results of my literary labours, rattling the typed pages in a most insinuatingway.
Helpless and troublesome creatures have sometimes an insinuatingway with them, which forms an additional reason for avoiding them, especially if one is weak-minded.
So you needn't write touching notes and smile in that insinuatingway, for it won't do a bit of good, and I won't have it.
"Don't be afraid," he continued, in an insinuatingway.
"Wouldn't you like a glass of summat now, young gen'leman?" he asked in an insinuatingway.