In recent years offshore windfarms have also been installedoff the coasts of Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden.
OpenHydro recently began manufacturing a one-megawatt turbine which is four times bigger than its turbine installedoff Orkney.
One of the world's first tidal energy generators was being installedoff the coast of a Scottish island today.
But while turbines can be installedoff the coast, floating wind farms are unlikely to be a viable option.
The firm's Canadian owners had been negotiating to build jackets for wind turbines to be installedoff the Fife coast.
I noticed that an elevator had been installedoff the living room, perhaps the only nod to modernity in this house.
The Marines installedoff-the-shelf missiles on KC-130 tankers, nearly duplicating the Air Force's AC-130 gunships, but faster and at a fraction of the cost.